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High Quality Euphorbia fruticosa - Cutting - Cool Succulent Plant

Euphorbia fruticosa - 4 inch cutting - Cool Succulent Plant

Shipped in a rigid box after being well packed

Similar in size and shape to the one in the photo

Easy to root and grow

It is a winter dormant and easy species to grow that is suited for any well drained soil in full sun.

But young plant are happy growing indoors, where they can easily reach the ceiling.

Give the plant an airy growing medium which mainly consists of non organic material such us clay, pumice, lava grit, and only a little peat or leaf-mould.

Water regularly during the active growing season from March to September.

No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Keep almost completely dry in winter.

It is a moderately fast grower,and will quickly become large landscape masterpieces in just 3-7 years.

It can tolerate moderate shade, and a plant that has been growing in shade should be slowly hardened off before placing it in full sun as the plant will be severely scorched if moved too suddenly from shade into sun.

Like quite small pots, repot in very later winter, early spring.

Can be pruned for shape and branching.

Frost tender, frost free zones only. -

Euphorbia fruticosa - Cutting - Cool Succulent Plant  Quantity: 
Choose at Checkout
Euro 2.95

This page was last upated on the 10/28/2024

We have a large range of Cacti plants, Cacti cuttings, Seeds, Succulent cuttings and Succulent plants for sale, the range is expanding so visit on a regular basis.

All plants and cuttings are shipped in rigid cardboard boxes

We can ship seeds and cuttings to USA, UK and Canada but not plants

We have a large range of Cacti plants, Cacti cuttings, Seeds, Succulent cuttings and Succulent plants for sale, the range is expanding so visit on a regular basis.

We have a number of general and specific care guides for the products we sell just see the links on the left, any questions email [email protected]

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